

 My worst regret in life, accepting that help in August 2021. Now a chain around me I can only be free of when I pay it forward or pay myself free. Never again in this life or next would I accept or ask such help.

Life and Death

 Life has brought forth new life. A newer, better, more successful DCN. No new life should be brought forth in the land of my fathers and so it is. When life expires, do not take me to a strange and foreign land, even the land of my fathers. Kindred and kinship no longer remain. Bury me where I stand, bury me so I remain.


"Do nothing.  Stay and fight.  Or leave." "Always moving, never fighting." "We cannot become murderers, and we cannot endure any more violence, which is why we must leave."


 It has been said "blood is thicker than water", but now I say "loyalty is thicker than blood".

Injustice and Truth

 “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends (mother, brother, sister)” — Dr Martin Luther King Jr “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” — Elie Wiesel “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” — Haile Selassie “If I sit silently, I have sinned.” — Mohammad Mossadegh Lastly,  "The only thing worse than the oppressor, is anyone who stands by the side,

Pains and Regrets (2)

 I have always been in pains as far back as I can remember, my pains and regrets always in me and I in it. Only now, my pains and regrets are no more intangible but also physical like you and me, taking a hold of me and I of them. She the source of my pain still follows me, Nigeria still follows me.


God worked, You worked, I worked, I am and will always be grateful for these works. My only regret now is allowing God to work through you. My goal always was plain and clear and I knew and understood in time I was getting there. But in allowing God to work through you I lost my self-worth in the eyes of Eves which you always was too blind to see. Only regrets remain, wishes that I can undo these works. No matter how sweet the fruit now, that maybe I never should have accepted it. Only thing then I know to do, is pay it forward and rid my myself of these pains and regrets, and until then and always, remember even though we all worked, you all are living my dream and in my dream, because I dreamt and sowed this seeds. But as the preacher said, the poor man, who remembers him and his wisdom?

The Ones You Called Family

 When truth become lies, family and the ones you called family ceases to exist. When the threads of kinship and brotherhood are broken, is it worth the price and effort, tell me, tell us, she who wore the devil's garb. She who wore the devil's garb and painted the sheep black, forgetting the shepherd knows his sheep, whether at night time or painted black. When manipulations and injustice arise, do you stand firm or do you close your eyes and sink your head in the sand like ostriches of old. When we close ours eyes to injustice and the truth what remains of our humanity. Take heed, he who stands with the truth stands alone and the ones he called family are all gone, are you strong enough. Take heed because all that remains is pain, gratitude, contemplation and resolve. When the ones you called family are gone, bury me in a foreign land with my tears and the truth, so that I may finally be free from she the source of my pain and her people and the ones I once called family.

Free Atlas(t)

 If I die now I die a happy man and a happy death, because my dream and goal, my life aspiration, to be free of Nigeria and Nigerians is done, and my eyes have beheld the glory of a working land and a full meaningful life, and for once I am free of the hellish, brutish, prison and existence I was born into. Nigeria and Nigerians are a scourge, a plague, a cancer, and all this I think she will always be.

New Beginnings (2)!

 ON, CA. New beginnings. Is this finally home? Hopefully. Sunlight, Daylight, Daybreak.