Blood Law and the Nigerian Police

Many a Nigerian have never come across nor heard about the concept of 'blood law', or what it means.
Blood law also known as blood revenge refers to the custom in many societies where the responsibility for the death or murder of a person falls on his/her close relatives and must be carried out to restore and create balance.
It's might not be necessitated by anger or revenge but a need for balance and order, because as many know and believe life is sacred and only a life can atone for another life so as to create balance in nature.
In current times, the Nigerian police has become a pain in the flesh of Nigerians, its corrupt and devious personnels mainly preoccupy themselves with extorting, maiming, killing and generally terrorizing Nigerians, without anything being done or said by the police authorities nor the Nigerian government.
On a ranking of the most hated Nigerian public institutions, the Nigerian police definitely will come tops, showing the hatred and aversion most of the citizens have for it.
Time and time and time again the Nigerian police has killed numerous citizens without provocation nor reason, but just because they can and that they bear arms.
And many a time when such occurs neither the government nor police authorities nor the family and relatives of the victims seek retribution nor is anything done to the killer, the case might be tried but Nigeria been the worthless country it is where justice is for the highest payer, the killer mostly get to walk away, and in some cases transferred and promoted even.
The Nigerian government has definitely failed and continue to fail it's citizens and the Nigerian citizen too has continued to fail himself but for how long do both have to go on, things like this are what necessitated the origin of a blood law, when someone kills another unjustly him or she don't just get to go home to his family and sleep peacefully without any repercussion, but Nigerians being what they're, religious and cowardly, will say "it's the will of God", "He gives and he takes", "vengeance  is of the Lord" and all such other nonsenses. What is the will of God about a youth, a man or a woman cut down unjustly in his/her prime without any provocation or harm done, hustling for his/her daily sustenance and killed by a police personnel that knows they will walk away freely from it.
Nobody prays or wills for evil, but I for one can never allow a Nigerian police officer to kill any of my family or loved ones and walk away from it, I definitely will right whatever wrong done and no matter how long it takes, weeks, months or years, I will definitely hunt such a person down and I can only hope that my family and loved ones can do same for me.
Until Nigerians cast asides their overly religious nature, and stop failing themselves as their government has, bringing to justice any policeman or woman that kills and takes the life of a loved one, so that it becomes known that such action has an equal reaction, so also that the corrupt and perverted system and police officers in Nigeria know they just cannot walk away from a murder and have that fear too in them, the fear of a blood law or blood revenge, then life in Nigeria will continue to be what it is, short, nasty and brutish.



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