The giant is dead, long live the ant.

The revolution that killed the (gi)ant of Africa

To anyone who sees and recognizes the truth, something is terribly wrong with Nigeria. Since it's independence 59 years ago Nigeria has continuously been touted as the giant of Africa, population wise yes that seems to be the truth, as the citizens can't seem to slow down their rate of birthing children here and there, most seeming never to have heard about birth control before, but growth indicators wise it's more of an ant and less of a giant.
It's 2019, 59 years after it's independence and anyone still having any hope in/for Nigeria is either dimwitted or an Ostrich with it's head hidden in the sand.
Many African countries most with bloody and turbulent beginnings have greatly surpassed and left Nigeria in the dust in most development indexes, but still Nigeria and Nigerians keep deluding themselves about being the giant of Africa.
For a nation that had so much potential and a great start, nothing works in it anymore, its presidents, governors, senators, representatives and elected officials all being mostly clowns and morons, and to a large extent it's citizens too, there are little good roads, few have access to clean water, fewer still have access to stable electricity, no good or world class schools and colleges, there are no good healthcare even the president, his family, top government officials and upper class citizens all have to go outside the country for medical care, it's police and military are both nothing to talk about; extortion, bribery, corruption, human rights abuses, extrajudicial killings are the order of the day and all they excel in.
For a country blessed with surplus natural amenities, which is supposed to be a mini el dorado, it's citizens instead today live like rats and cockroaches, dregs of the earth, suffering, hardship and poverty being all most know all their lives.
The state in which Nigeria and Nigerians are in today are far worse than what's obtainable in most countries, which bring about citizen protests and revolutions, a bloody or bloodless change of order. But Nigerians being the people they're; hopeful, docile, prayerful, keep on waiting for things to change miraculously.
The youths who are supposed to drive it's revolution being most affected by the state of the nation, instead are caught up in social media, substance abuse, illicit acts, cultism and other vices, mostly brought about by a country that just doesn't work and in a bid to make ends meet or to escape the harsh realities of their lives.
I keep wondering when Nigerians will stand up and ask for a change, overthrow the old ways and leaders, and move into a new future, because as it stands now the leaders of Nigeria, both past and present deserve more than Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein both got combined, even though both are leaders that did far more for their countries and people than any Nigerian leader has ever done for Nigeria and Nigerians, Nigerian leaders deserve to be hanged, drawn and quartered.
Nigeria deserves a revolution otherwise things will never change nor get better.
Nigerians by doing nothing have given up all their power to the government and now live in fear of their government but a government ought to be afraid of it's people and not it's people cowering before the government.
Nigeria seems to be the biblical hell, maybe the Christian rapture has already occurred and we Nigerians are in hell without realizing so. 
In every honesty, Nigeria is currently a very religious godforsaken cesspit, a jungle, an evil forest, one of the headquarters of poverty in the world and the 6th most miserable country on earth and all this is nothing but the absolute truth.
There is a time for diplomacy and there is a time for violence, and the change that Nigerians and Nigeria really crave will only come through blood and fire,
I like many other Nigerians that are interested in genuinely traveling the world, seeing it's beauty can't even do so, either due to the unemployment and economic/financial stagnation we face or that most Nigerians can no longer travel because most countries can't issue Visas to Nigerians anymore, a so called giant of Africa that now belong to the league of countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and co, it's truly a sad and pitiful situation.
For Nigerians outside Nigeria contemplating to return for whatsoever reasons, please don't be deceived, DO NOT RETURN TO NIGERIA, nothing works anymore, don't say you were not warned.
The revolution that will kill the giant of Africa is coming, it might take a year, ten years or one hundred, but it's only a matter of time, and they who have laughed and made merry will finally weep and despair, while those who have for so long weeped will finally revolt, dance and make merry, because a revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.



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